
Mycroft Mind Mentioned Among Major AI Czech Start-ups

The „Lupa 3.0“ magazine, a special supplement of the technology server, that maps events in the world of artificial intelligence (AI), start-ups, e-commerce and security threats, has ranked Mycroft Mind among the eight most significant AI Czech start-ups that are worth following.

As the magazine indicates, the media sometimes reports that the Czech Republic is currently lagging behind in the use of artificial intelligence. This is not quite true. There are many start-ups in the Czech Republic, who have built their business on artificial intelligence. The editors of Lupa have selected eight of these organization worth following, and Brno´s Mycroft Mind from the TTC Group is one of them.

Mycroft Mind is currently focused on the use of artificial intelligence in the energy sector.

  • Among other things, it allows the visualisation of transmission systems including the explanation of what is taking place in such networks.
  • It can also monitor and evaluate data and is perfectly suitable for the Internet of Things (IoT), which is becoming increasingly common in the energy sector.

Mycroft Mind is also working on artificial intelligence models that can be integrated into chips or other hardware. Thanks to this, among other features, it will be possible to utilize electricity meters to predict consumption and price. The European Commission selected this project as one of the best on the continent to receive the support under the IPCEI Microelectronics Project.

The “Lupa 3.0” special edition (in Czech) can be downloaded HERE.